Caring for a Parent
Watch Our Own is uniquely built to meet the needs of caregivers of senior parents

Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn't know was possible. - Author, Tia Walker
At Watch Our Own we understand that family isn't just important, it's everything.

Being a Caregiver
There is no greater act of love than to care for another. Being a caregiver can be one of the greatest blessings in life. However, there is no doubt it can be stressful to manage everything, especially from a distance.
Generation X and Millennials increasingly find themselves in the role of a “sandwich generation,” providing unpaid care to an aging parent or loved one while also raising children and working.
Caregiving consists of everyday tasks such as transportation, housework, shopping, preparing meals, and managing finances. It can be a challenge to find and afford professional support, which can add a financial burden as well.
Due to the rising costs of caregiving services, many find themselves performing highly skilled care typically performed by a visiting nurse or home health aid.
In addition, caregivers often act as health advocates, helping support a loved one’s care by monitoring conditions and communicating with providers.
Caregiving is more than just helping organize and manage appointments and medication. It’s providing emotional support too, in which caregivers play essential roles.
They say more hands make light work, but coordinating friends, family and paid services in addition to caring for someone can be overwhelming.
All of this can be a lot for one primary caregiver. We know. We’ve been there.
That’s why we built Watch Our Own.
Watch Our Own
One application built to make caregiving easier
The Watch Our Own phone app is built by caregivers for caregivers.
Our aim is simple: to give caregivers a tool to centralize all you do for your loved ones and organize family and friends to help. Whether you're caring for children, an aging or ailing parent or friend, Watch Our Own is an all-in-one app for any caregiver.
You may not require, or use, all of Watch Our Own's features, but they are included and available to be used if the need arises. For example, a complete profile does not need to be configured to get started using the application, but can be set up as necessary or when time permits.
Watch Our Own aids with many of the time-consuming responsibilities of caregiving, as well as facilitating the sharing of responsibilities and support from family and friends.
Watch Our Own promotes working together and eases the strain on caregivers.
One phone app combining many useful tools
Centralized schedule and medical details
Coordinate sharing of responsibilities between caregivers
Ask for help anytime, anywhere with alerts sent to all Group members